How to Fix Broken Lipstick

How to Fix Broken Lipstick

Lipstick is a staple in many beauty routines, but it’s all too common for it to break. Whether it’s a result of accidental drops or a hot car ride, a broken lipstick can be frustrating. Fortunately, fixing a broken lipstick is often easier than you might think. In this article, we’ll explore several methods for repairing your favorite lip color so you can continue using it without any hassle.

Understanding the Problem

Before you can effectively repair a broken lipstick, it’s important to understand why lipsticks break in the first place. Here’s a deeper look into the common causes of lipstick breakage and how they affect your favorite beauty product:

Exposure to Heat

Impact on Lipstick: Lipsticks are made from a combination of waxes, oils, and pigments. When exposed to heat, the waxes and oils can soften and lose their structural integrity. This softening can cause the lipstick to become mushy or deform, leading to breakage when used or handled.

How to Prevent: To avoid this issue, store your lipstick in a cool, dry place. Avoid leaving it in direct sunlight or in a hot car. If you live in a particularly hot climate, consider keeping your lipsticks in a cooler or air-conditioned environment.

Accidental Drops

Impact on Lipstick: Dropping your lipstick can cause the solid stick to crack or break apart. This is particularly common with lipsticks that are already softened from heat or extensive use. The force of impact can cause the lipstick to snap off from its base or crumble into pieces.

How to Prevent: Handle your lipstick carefully to avoid drops. Use a lipstick holder or case when carrying it in your bag to provide extra protection.

Improper Storage

Impact on Lipstick

Storing your lipstick in a way that applies uneven pressure or force can lead to breakage. For example, keeping your lipstick in a tightly packed makeup bag with other items pressing against it can cause it to bend, crack, or break.

How to Prevent

Store your lipstick upright in a dedicated section of your makeup bag or in a separate compartment where it won’t be subjected to pressure from other items. A lipstick organizer or case can also help keep your lipstick safe from damage.

Overuse or Frequent Twisting

Impact on Lipstick

Frequently twisting the lipstick up and down can cause stress on the product and its base. If twisted too much, the lipstick can break off or become loose from its casing.

How to Prevent

Use the lipstick sparingly and avoid over-twisting. If you need more product, only extend the lipstick slightly to minimize stress on the stick and its base.

Structural Weakness

Impact on Lipstick

Some lipsticks may have inherent structural weaknesses due to manufacturing defects or formulation issues. These lipsticks may be more prone to breaking, even under normal conditions.

How to Prevent

If you notice that a particular lipstick is more fragile than others, consider using it with extra care. If the issue persists, you might want to contact the manufacturer or consider replacing the product.

The Heat and Re-Mold Technique

The heat and re-mold technique is a straightforward method for repairing a broken lipstick. It leverages the malleability of the lipstick’s wax base, allowing you to reassemble and restore its original form. Here’s a detailed explanation of how to use this technique effectively:

Materials Needed

A Lighter or Candle

The heat source is crucial for melting the lipstick. A lighter or candle will provide the necessary heat to soften the wax.

A Small Spatula or Spoon

This tool helps you press and mold the melted lipstick back into its tube or shape it as needed.

A Refrigerator or Freezer

Chilling the lipstick helps it solidify and set after re-molding.

Prepare Your Workspace:

Make sure you have a clean, flat surface to work on. You might want to lay down some paper towels or a cloth to catch any drips or spills.

Heat the Broken Pieces:

For the Lipstick Base

Gently heat the base of the lipstick tube (the part that remains in the tube) using a lighter or candle. Hold the flame close to the base but avoid direct contact to prevent overheating or burning the lipstick.

For the Broken Piece

Similarly, heat the broken piece of lipstick by passing it over the flame. This will make the wax soft and pliable.

Reattach the Broken Piece:

Once the wax becomes soft and tacky, carefully press the broken piece back onto the base of the lipstick. Ensure that the alignment is correct and that the piece fits snugly.

Use a small spatula or spoon to smooth out the edges where the broken piece meets the base. This will help blend the joint and ensure a seamless repair.

Smooth and Shape

While the wax is still soft, use the spatula to shape the lipstick and smooth any imperfections. This step helps in creating a uniform surface and repairing any cracks or gaps.

Chill to Set

Place the repaired lipstick in the refrigerator or freezer for a few minutes. This helps the wax to solidify and hold the repaired shape. Avoid leaving it too long, as extreme cold can make the lipstick too hard and difficult to use.

Check the Repair

Once the lipstick has cooled and hardened, take it out of the refrigerator or freezer. Check the repair to ensure that the broken piece is securely attached and that the lipstick is smooth and usable.

Additional Tips

Handle with Care

When heating the lipstick, be cautious not to overheat it, as excessive heat can cause the wax to burn or become too soft to handle.

Avoid Direct Contact

Keep the flame away from direct contact with the lipstick to prevent burning or damaging the product.

Use Proper Tools

A small spatula or spoon is useful for smoothing and blending the wax. Avoid using metal tools that could scratch or damage the lipstick.

Benefits of This Technique

Restores Usability

This method allows you to fix and use your broken lipstick, reducing waste and saving money.

Preserves Product

By repairing the lipstick, you extend its lifespan and make sure you get the most out of your purchase.

Simple and Effective

The technique is straightforward and requires minimal tools, making it accessible for anyone to use.

The Spoon and Heat Method

Materials Needed:

  • A spoon
  • A heat source (like a candle or lighter)
  • A small container

Scrape the Lipstick

Use the spoon to scrape the broken lipstick into small pieces. Collect these pieces into a small container.

Heat and Melt

Gently heat the container with the broken lipstick pieces using your heat source until the lipstick is fully melted.

Pour and Set

Pour the melted lipstick back into the original tube or a new container. Allow it to cool and solidify completely.

 The Alcohol Method

Materials Needed:

  • Rubbing alcohol
  • A small brush or cotton swab
  • A small container

Clean the Broken Lipstick

Use rubbing alcohol and a small brush or cotton swab to clean the broken edges of the lipstick.


Press the broken pieces together while they are still moist with alcohol. Smooth the surface with a clean brush or spatula.

Allow to Dry

Let the lipstick dry and harden completely before use.

Tips for Preventing Future Breakage

Avoid Heat Exposure

Keep your lipstick away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

Store Properly

Store your lipstick in a cool, dry place to prevent it from becoming too soft or brittle.

Handle with Care

Avoid dropping your lipstick and handle it gently to prevent breakage.
